Current issue and potient solution in dissimilarity visualization


The activation map and pooled vector(before fc layer) in Resnet-50 are non-negative. Then, no component is negative for dot product.

Potient solution:

1. Remove relu layer before pooling layer.

2. Based on equation in Grad-CAM:

w is weighs of fc layer. Yc is score for category c. A is activation map, k is channel, i_j is spatial location.

The equation is the goal of Grad-CAM, to find weighs for each activation map and combine them.

In similarity visializtion for embedding, the goal is the same, we try to find ∂D/∂A, which is the contribution for each activation map to the distance between two image vector. D is dot product of fc_vect_a and fc_vect_b. Since ∂D/∂A = ∂D/∂Y * ∂Y/∂A, (Y is fc layer vector) , and based on equation in Grad-CAM, we can get ∂D/∂A = fc_vect*W, which fc_vect and A from different images

So, we can use vector after fc layer and W matrix to get a new vector(which have negative value) to replace orignal pooled activation map.

3. we can forward vector in each location in activation map to fc layer. And use the output.

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